Tuesday, 5 March 2013

ABI Suggestions for Cheaper Car Insurance for Young Drivers - Bring it on

We deal with a lot of young drivers car insurance - and we love looking after our customers - which means when there is an initiative around designed to not only make car insurance cheaper for newly qulaified drivers, but also to make accidents less likely to happen we have to applaud it.

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) want the following to be mandatory for new drivers:
  • A one-year minimum learning period for young drivers.
  • A limit to the number of young passengers a newly qualified driver is allowed to carry.
  • Newly qualified drivers would face restrictions on driving in the dark
  • A zero tolerance for blood alcohol levels in any driver who has recently passed a test.
Personally I would go one stage further and limit new drivers to cars in insurance groups 1-15.

These measures would make total sense. It really worries us when we talk to those barely 17 who are off on a weeks intensive driving course designed to get them on the road with very little experience. And worst of all when its young premier league footballer with his Audi TT.

Its common sense that at a time when young and impressionable drivers want to rush headlong into buying the fastest car going and then impress their mates that the law helps protect them (and other road users) from themselves - so good on you ABI - keep banging the drum!

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